*The Dancing Spirit 219 Nanaquaket Rd. Tiverton RI *

2017 On Going Belly Dance T and W 6:30 - 8 

Basic Technique https://instagram.com/p/BO03z47jCmG/  

Skirt Language https://instagram.com/p/BOQfid1jye5/

Barbthedancingspirit.com  401 338 9905

Sign up 8 pkg $100 or Dropin $15

*Spring Goat Dance*



IThe Dancing Spirit Studio, 219 Nanaquaket Rd. Tiverton RI







The Dance 


Birthday Parties, wedding showers, girls night out
fun for children ,teens, adults, seniors
Hip scarves ,veils, zills for everyone -  Children dance with persian square veils
GIFTS - hip scarves and veils are available for purchase

